It’s not just a shoe. It’s an Air Jordan.
It’s not just a gaming console. It’s the PlayStation V.
It’s not just a handbag. It’s a Hermes.
GOOD CONTENTdrives traffic. GREAT CONTENT brings out the best in any product and drives SALES.
Branding is everything.
You think that one will do without the other, but that’s never the case. MARKETING means YOU AND YOUR PRODUCT ARE ONE.
And so, you CREATE your BRAND.
Your brand is your PRODUCT packaged under REALLY GREAT CONTENT.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that product development ends with product rollout and sales. CONTENT IS KING, BRAND IS QUEEN.
Lose branding and your product will remain an item or an object inside a box. If it’s an electronic device, for example, it will be just that: an object.
Many brands have asked me what it takes for products to really take off in the age of cyberspace. To that, I say, CREATE, CURATE.
The rest will usually follow.
People need to remember your brand. To do that, you have to get into their subconscious and make your product the buzzword for the service. For example, remember the difference between Coke and softdrinks.
Coke is a brand. Soft drink is a product.
Now people remember products like Coke because of decades of market saturation, through ad spends, marketing stunts, they even hired Santa to do some campaigns.
And that’s only one of the many examples of a brand. What you’re going for is the brand recall. How should your market remember your brand?
If you ask me? It’s both easy and hard nowadays to do that. There’s social media, like Twitter and Facebook, and LinkedIn. But not a lot of people know how to do this properly. And so, without an aggressive marketing instinct, your product will remain a product in a box.
Remember: Content is King, Branding is queen.
Share it with someone you think can value from this, someone that is actively trying to become a brand or marketer. While you’re at it, DM me your biggest takeaways. And of course, DO! Don’t just consume, action what you had taken away.
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